Our commitment
to putting patients first

Bristol Myers Squibb hosts Global Patient Week every September to connect employees with patients, celebrating these inspiring individuals who are at the heart of the company’s mission. This week-long event brings patients to Bristol Myers Squibb facilities worldwide, where they share their stories and meet the people who play a role in their personal battle against disease. Global Patient Week serves as a powerful reminder of what Bristol Myers Squibb employees strive for daily across all functions, locations, and countries — keeping patients at the heart of their work.

A question often asked of new employees is, “Who are you working for?” For most of our 30,000 colleagues, the answer is personal — many have loved ones either waiting for a life-saving medicine or who have benefitted from one. Anchoring ourselves to this "who" provides a deeply personal connection to BMS’ mission of transforming lives through science. Every day, we are inspired by the opportunity to deliver life-changing medicines and provide patients with hope.

As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Global Patient Week, we reflect on its vital role in reinforcing our patient-centered culture. Each “who” has a story, and this week reminds us of the part we play in their journey. Our Chairman and CEO, Chris Boerner, shares his thoughts on the importance of Global Patient Week in uniting us as ONE BMS. 

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Video Transcript

At BMS, we keep patients at the heart of everything we do.

Giving them hope and delivering life changing medicines is what inspires us each day.

That's why Global Patient Week is one of my favorite milestones on our calendar.

It provides us an opportunity to see first hand how our dedication truly makes a difference.

Not only does 2024 mark 10 years of Global Patient Week, but it's also the anniversary of The Who Are You Working For campaign.

Centering ourselves around our WHO is so important.

It's a deeply personal way for each of us to connect to our vision of transforming lives through science.

So take some time to think about who you work for and how they motivate you.


Meet the patients

Patients come from all corners of the globe, each bravely facing their conditions in their own unique ways. Their journeys are a testament to the strength of the human spirit, with every story reflecting a different experience of resilience, hope, and determination. From navigating complex treatments to overcoming daily challenges, these patients inspire us with their courage and perseverance. Through their stories, we honor their voices and celebrate their personal triumphs, reminding us of the importance of innovation, support, and empathy in transforming lives across the world.

Our BMS colleagues on the patients who inspire them

At Bristol Myers Squibb, we believe that everyone has a personal connection to a patient — whether it’s a family member, a friend, or even themselves. These connections fuel our mission and drive our commitment to improving lives. Ten years ago, we launched a program with the aim of deepening our understanding of the patients we serve, so we could better meet their needs. This initiative has become central to our culture, reminding us every day to ask, “Who are you working for?” — a question that keeps us focused on the people behind the science.

For our colleagues, the answer is clear: we work for the patients who inspire us with their strength, resilience, and hope. During #GlobalPatientWeek, we’re proud to share some of our employees’ personal reflections — stories that are not only heartfelt but also a testament to the deep sense of purpose that guides our work. These stories, amplified through our social media campaign, showcase the human connections that shape everything we do, from groundbreaking research to the smallest acts of support. Click on any of the images below to read the full stories and see how our employees are motivated by the patients who continue to inspire us all.

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People and business resource groups

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